Mtg alela artful provocateur edh
Mtg alela artful provocateur edh

I chose Alela because I always wanted to build a faerie deck (even though, in practice, I have like 4 cards outside of the commander that are faeries or care about faeries, but Alela makes plenty, so whatever). It’s not that Alela is bad, it’s just that Kykar is really, really good. Kykar could almost certainly do better, but then again, he’s just really powerful no matter how you build him. Play enchantments that buff my faerie tokens, while also producing those tokens. I play her as anthem tribal, and it’s a lot of fun. And depending on your meta cards like ], ] and ] can be back breaking.Īlso since you are talking about high power level I'm sure you won't get backlash for going stax (the only thing that can keep combo in check most of the time at 8 power level). You can have synergies like ] + ], she loves ], ] and ] which can destroy your opponents decks, also ] and if you made enough tokens and/or you have an anthem like ] you can drop ] and a lot of the time it's gg. Cards like ] and ] doesn't affect her as much, you can even take advantage of stuff like ] and ] and it's easy (with a good mana base) to be able to play through ] (even more so if you have a high artifact density). Since most stax pieces are artifats and enchaments. In general in high power level tables the strongest Alela deck is probably going to be stax. I have an Alela faerie tribal and she's a consistent 7 power level but can definitely become and 8 if you forgo the tribal route. What are your opinions? Is she a good or underwhelming commander? What kind of deck do you use for her? Any oppinion is very welcome so just hit me with whatever you think. I'm in a pretty high standards playgroupe(not cEDH,but like a 7-8.5/10) and she would get the best support cards available. Point is, she has lots of ups and downs in my eyes and I don't really want to go all in on building a deck for her if I'm unsure whether I'm gonna enjoy playing with her.

mtg alela artful provocateur edh mtg alela artful provocateur edh

Zur is better with enchantments, Breya is queen of artifacts and Kykar, Wind's Fury is - although in different colours - a straight up better version of Alela, save for Voltron, just to name a few. It just feels like there is another commander who can do Alela's job better at every role. On the other hand tho, the more I think about her kit, she seems more and more underwhelming.

mtg alela artful provocateur edh

I'm also a fan of her artwork and general feel. She also fits multiple deck types I wanted to play for years, like faerie "tribal", esper enchantress, flyer spam etc.


On one hand I have many cool ideas on how to build her. I was looking into Alela, Artful Provocateur as my next commander but I'm torn between two different thoughts regarding her.

Mtg alela artful provocateur edh